The Rialto - the tale of a forgotten cinema

I discovered a forgotten gem in London last night. The Rialto Cinema in Coventry Street (near Leicester Square) was described by Nikolaus Pevsner as having "the finest early cinema interior in London, worthy of a full-scale theatre". Built in 1912-13 it is today used as a rather downmarket casino and the gamblers seem oblivious to their opulent surroundings. The exterior of no. 3-4 Coventry Street doesn't really stand out but the interior is breathtaking.

I've been unable to find an interior photo on the internet and there is a distinct lack of information available but this American website has a few details:

Details of the casino if you want to check out the interior for yourself are at:

It is a real shame that it's hidden away from the general public and isn't being used for its original purpose.
